Design & Technology
We care for all God’s children, unconditionally. As a rural town community, the Parable of Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) resonates with our children who feel valued and welcomed as individuals. All members of our school family, the community and the wider world are valued and respected.
Children at St Nicks we will cultivate a deep comprehension and enthusiasm for Design and Technology within their everyday lives, recognising its profound influence on their existence. During their tenure at the school, they will acquire a diverse set of practical skills encompassing the design, make, evaluate process, all within the context of engaging and stimulating projects. Furthermore, they will grasp the significance of maintaining a well-rounded diet and develop expertise in the preparation and culinary artistry of various foods.
At St Nicks, we aim for all pupils to:
- Acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for success in design and technology.
- Progressively enhance technical skills and practical expertise.
- Cultivate creative and imaginative thinking.
- Embrace ambitious design concepts.
- Address genuine and pertinent challenges in various contexts.
- Consider the needs, desires, and values of themselves and others.
- Recognise the significance of design and technology in daily life.
- Explore the contributions of historical and contemporary designers who have influenced the world.
- Draw inspiration from designs that have left a mark globally.
- Hone problem-solving skills through the design, make, evaluate process.
- Apply knowledge and understanding from mathematics, science, computing, and art.
- Use these interdisciplinary skills in practical and relevant contexts.
- Empower students to approach new challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.
- Aspire for articulate and adaptable thinkers who can navigate evolving landscapes.
We will achieve this through:
- Starting in the Early Years, DT is introduced through some adult –led and some child-led activities, with opportunities for children to design and make through the continuous provision in the classroom. Some food-making activities are introduced through adult-led tasks.
- KS1 and KS2 follow the process of analyse, design, make and evaluate for each area of the DT curriculum: Cooking and Nutrition, Mechanical Systems, Textiles, Electrical systems, Structures and Digital World.
- The curriculum progressively builds pupils’ language skills through weekly lessons
- An adaptive teaching and scaffolded approach during lessons to ensure all learners achieve.
- Ensuring all staff have strong subject knowledge and can access support where necessary.
- Holding STEM events across the year to promote and explore cross-curriculuar learning.
Intended Impact: