Medical Information
If your child requires medication provided by the doctor to be administered during the school day, please complete a form and hand it with the medicine in it's original packaging with the dispensing label to the School Office. Please remember to sign the form as without parental signature we cannot administer the medicine. If your child requires more than one form of medication, please complete a form for each prescribed medicine.
Asthma & Allergies
If your child suffers with Asthma or has an allergy requiring either Antihistamine or an Auto Injector, please inform the School Office and a Medical Condition Plan will be completed. In the case of Asthma, we require 2 named pumps and if a pupil requires an Auto Injector we also require 2 of these.
Infectious Diseases
Please see the Health Protection Agency guidance for School for when a child needs to be kept at home or can come into school.
HPA Guidance on Infection Control in Schools