Our School as a Church School
Our SIAMS report (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)
School values, Christian Values,British Values and the UN Convention on the rights of the child
RRSA British Values School and Christian links
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do.
They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Vision Statement
St. Nicholas Chantry is a place of positivity and calm where everyone is welcomed. The whole community is inspired by a love of learning, collaborating and communicating together. The whole school family shares a strong moral compass and high aspirations, we secure the very best outcomes for everyone with Christian values woven throughout.
We care for all God’s children, unconditionally. As a rural town community, the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12-35) and Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) resonates with our children who feel valued and welcomed as individuals. All members of our school family, the community and the wider world are valued and respected. Each child is individually known, enabling us to ensure that every child achieves their very best.
'We try to be a Good Shepherd'
Ethos, aims and values
At St Nicholas' Chantry we CAN - Create Aspire Nurture.
We believe it is important to support children to learn the values that will help them in their journey of lifelong learning.
We strongly believe in serving our community and in working as a community to guide our children through this and on to the next stage of their education.
Our curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced and to enable not only children’s academic achievement but also to give them an enriched curriculum which helps them to grow in mind, body and spirit.
Spirituality and SMSC
At St. Nicholas' Chantry we take every opportunity to reflect upon life and the world around us as part of our learning and in order to develop a sense of awe and wonder.
Please find below our Spirituality and SMSC policies
Pupil Chaplains
Our Year 5 &6 Pupil Chaplains help support spritual development here at St. Nick's. They are trained by the Diocese of Bath & Wells and are supported by members of Christchurch. Our Pupil Chaplains lead the school in the following ways:
- Upholding school and Christian values
- Helping to lead whole school and class worship
- Helping lead festivals and celebrations at Christchurch
- Helping design and bring to life a spiritual garden and reflective spaces around the school
- Helping to support other children through nurture and listening
- Learning more about the bible
- Working with the wider community (for example visiting the elderly, food banks and shelters)
Rev'd Mike Haslam from the Diocese of Bath & Wells training our Pupil Chaplains:
Pupil Chaplains
Collective worship
We choose our assembly themes to demonstrate links between school, Christian, and British values as well as celebrating the Christian calendar and encouraging children themselves to identify themes.
Each theme is then linked with a suitable song, the school vision, where appropriate an article from the UN convention on the rights of the child, and a Christian value.
Our Pupil Chaplains lead the prayer during all whole-school worship and sometimes deliver assemblies. All pupils are encouraged to reflect upon worship and add their ideas during class worship, to the scrapbook and via prayers written for Friday's Sharing Assembly.
Class assemblies are an opportunity to reflect upon the week's theme(s) and talk in more detail about these as a class and at an age-appropriate level.
Our relationship with the church
The school and Christchurch are part of the same family. We often visit the church for our learning, as well as for celebrations and collective worship. Reverend Clive Jennings and the team visit us for worship, for special occasions and to offer support to our pupils via TLG mentoring and drop-ins. They support staff via leadership coaching and through regular visits and staff training, such as bereavement training for all staff. Many of our pupils and their families attend church regularly, as well ass attending the many support groups at Christchurch. We are so thankful to for such deep strong links which benefit each and every one of us.
We believe that RE has a good contribution to make to supporting our Christian values and to preparing our children for life in modern Britain by teaching tolerance and respect.
We follow the locally agreed syllabus Awareness, Mystery and Value for North Somerset. We also use Understanding Christianity alongside this to ensure a deep and reflective Curriculum.