Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Hi, I'm Mrs Nicola Baldwin-Wheat and I am the SENDCo at St Nicholas' Chantry Primary School.
At St Nicholas' Chantry, we are ambitious and have high expectations for all pupils including pupils with SEND. We expect all children with SEND to be able to access a broad curriculum and have the same opportunities as their peers.
We are really keen to have great working relationships with our parents and carers and of course the children themselves.
If there is anything I can support you with or something we can work on together, I would love to hear from you. Please make contact with me on the email address below:
SEND and our school
Places to visit for help or support for Parents or Carers
Local Groups, clubs and activities that are accessible for Pupils with SEND
Art Course for Neurodivergent Women 11-18