St Nicholas’ Chantry

St Nicholas' Chantry CofE Primary School

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Year 3 & 4 - Redwood, Beech & Maple Classes

Welcome to Year 3 and 4

Welcome to Year 3 and 4! We are excited to embark on this learning journey with you and your children through year 3 and 4. Our classrooms thrives on open and honest communication, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns. This page is your go-to resource for staying informed and engaged throughout the school year. Here, you'll find everything from learning focuses for each term and class timetables to homework information, termly newsletters, and other important updates. We look forward to a successful year of learning and growing together!

Meet the Team 

Class Teachers: 

            Maple Class-                       Beech Class-                           Redwood Class- 


                 Miss Tozer                        Miss Gough                                Mr Reed 

Teaching Assistants: 


               Mrs Connett                           Mrs Want                           Mrs Coldwell

PPA cover teacher for all three classes is Mrs Coldwell

Year 3 and 4 teachers are available to talk to about any issue or concern that you may have throughout the year. 

If you wish to contact us via email please use:

Miss Tozer (Maple) 

Miss Gough (Beech) 

Mr Reed (Redwood) 

The School Day/ Class Timetables 

The school day starts at 8.40am so please ensure that your children arrive to school by then and use the fire door into Redwood Class (Redwood/Maple) or the small hall (Beech) to enter the school building. As your child arrives on school site they will be greeted by a member of the year 3 and 4 team. 

The school day ends at 3:15pm. Redwood and Maple Class will be collected outside of the fire door entrance to Redwood Class. Beech Class will be collected via the New Hall via fire exit opposite the gazebo. 

Please give us 24 hours notice if your child will be collected by someone who doesn't normally collect them.

Maple- Term 3 Weekly Timetable

Redwood- Term 3 Weekly Timetable

Beech- Term 3 Weekly Timetable 

Learning Focus for this Term 

Knowledge Organisers/ Useful Websites 

English: Winter's Child- Class Text

Geography :  Contrasting Locality- Knowledge Organiser

Science:Investigating Materials, Magnets and The Water cycle- Knowledge Organiser

PSHE: Dreams and Goals- Knowledge Organiser

French: Vegetables- Knowledge Organiser

Glurbs French App

Computing: Creating Media- Knowledge Organiser

DT: Sewing- Knowledge Organiser

R.E: Gospel- What Kind of World Did Jesus Want?

Music: Pitch- Knowledge Organiser

Home Learning 


We are incredibly passionate about creating a love of reading within your children. Listening to your child read regularly at home is vitally important in helping them to practice and master their ability to read fluently.  We ask that all our families listen to their child read 3 times a week as a minimum. Please write in your child's reading record when you have read with them. These will be checked weekly in school and children will change their reading books with their class teacher. 

If your child finishes reading their book during the week, please encourage them to reread it. Re-reading books improves children's fluency and understanding of the text that they have read. You can also check your child’s understanding by asking them questions.       Reading Questions to ask your child at home

CGP Mathematics, Reading and SPaG Work booklets

This year, the children will be asked to complete two pieces of work from their CGP work booklets. These will be checked at school each Friday. Page numbers and activities in these booklets can be found following the green or yellow button tabs below. 

Homework Pages- Year 3

Homework Pages- Year 4

Times Table Rockstars 

We have a subscription to Times Table Rockstars which is a vital tool to help your child learn their Times Table facts. Each child in Year 3 and 4 is given a login, these can be found in the back of their reading records. Here is a link that takes you to the TTRS website. Each child is expected to play 10 sessions of 'Garage' per week. We have class competitions up and running too!

Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have misplaced the log in details.



In class each week you child will be learning and consolidating different spelling rules to support their writing. If you would like to complete any additional spelling practise with your children, please find below the spelling rules that we will be covering this term.

Term 3 Spelling Rules Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words


Children have two PE lessons a week. These lessons give them the opportunity to develop a range of skills across the year. All lessons will in some way help children to develop their gross motor skills. The development of these skills enables children to improve their balance and coordination and use their larger muscles.

Maple- Monday and Thursday afternoons 

Beech- Monday and Wednesday afternoons 

Redwood- Thursday afternoon and Friday morning

Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school each week and that they have joggers for colder weather. If your child wears tights to school please also ensure they have a pair of socks to change into. 

Swimming: In year 3 and 4 we will be going swimming on Thursday afternoons in our classes at different times in the year so please ensure appropriate swim wear is in school on the days your child's class is going. Term 3= Redwood Class


Good handwriting is critical to children’s writing progress so alongside the learning children take part they will also practice letter formation in short handwriting sessions. Understanding Letters and Sounds have produced a guide to the way in which letters should be formed and this includes a patter to help children remember how to correctly form each letter.

Cursive letter formation

Number formation

Here is an example of the letter formation we display in the classroom: 

Recommended Reads

Please look at these fantastic books that have been hand picked to appeal to the children in year 3 and 4!

 Newsletters/ Helpful Information

Welcome to Year 3 & 4 Newsletter 1

Year 3 & 4 Newsletter 2

Year 3 & 4 Newsletter 3

Meet the teacher presentations: 

Maple ClassRedwood ClassBeech Class