Year 2 - Ash & Elm Classes
Year 2
Class Information
Elm Class Teacher- Mrs S Steele
Ash Class Teachers-Miss J Millard and Mrs B Wright
Year 2 Learning Support Assistants -
Mrs S Youde Mrs S Robinson
On a Friday, children will change their reading books with their class teacher. Within Key Stage 1, children receive one or two reading book/s each week, matched to their correct phonic phase.
If your child finishes reading their book during the week, please encourage them to reread it. Re-reading books improves children's fluency and understanding of the text that they have read. You can also check your child’s understanding by asking them questions.
Example Reading Questions KS1 VIPERS
Class Timetable
Ash Class Timetable Term 3
Year 2 Recommended Reads
Please look at these fantastic books that have been hand picked to appeal to the children in year 2!
Water bottles/Snack
We encourage all our children to bring in a class water bottle, that is separate from their lunch box, so that they can drink water when they need it.
Please also ensure that your child brings in a healthy snack (named) for morning break.
PE kit
Within Year 2, both classes have PE on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. We are now asking for all children to bring their PE kits into school, in a named bag, so that they can get changed before/after their lesson. School PE kit should comprise of black shorts/jogging bottoms, a plain or logoed school t-shirt, blue/black sweatshirt (not a hoody) and plain black daps/trainers. Please ensure if your child’s shoes have laces, they are able to do up their laces independently.
Home learning
Listening to your child read regularly at home is vitally important in helping them to practice and master their ability to read fluently. We ask that all our families listen to their child read 3 times a week as a minimum. Please write in your child's reading record when you have read with them. We also encourage as many opportunities for you to share stories together modelling expression and fluency. This can be from a range of text types, such as information books, recipe books, instructions and newspapers.
Your child will have access to an online numeracy homework pack which you are welcome to use if you wish. This learning pack will link with class work and help embed key mathematical concepts.
Multiplication and Division Unit Home Learning
Addition and Subtraction home learning
Place value home learningPlease follow this link to help your child practice their number bonds to 10. There are other fun games on this website too!
We have a subscriptions to Times Table Rockstars which is a vital tool to help your child learn their Times Table facts. Each child in Year 2 is given a log on in Term 3 to coincide with our Multiplication and Division Unit in Maths. Here is a link that takes you to the TTRS website.
Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have misplaced the log in details.
Term 1 and 2 - Phonics
In Term 1, we focus on consolidating the children's knowledge of their phonics. We use the Unlocking Letters and Sounds (ULS) scheme to develop their mastery skills in Phase 5.
Phase 5 Common Exception Word Mat
Year 2 Spellings Term 3
We are now moving on to cover the Year 2 spelling patterns. Please see attached coverage.
It would be great to use some of the techniques listed below to help your child remember these new spellings.
We start the week with a teaching lesson of the new rule before moving on to practicing and applying the rule later in the week. We will finally do a dictation lesson so that the children can showcase their knowledge of the spelling pattern they have learnt that week.
Year 2 CEW (Common Exception Words)
All Year 2 children are expected to be able to read and spell this list of words by the end of the school year.
Learning spellings can actually be an activity that is fun!!!
Some of the techniques we use in school are:
- Pyramid words
- Rainbow words
- Mnemonics
because = big elephants can't use small exits
Have fun with this and create some crazy ways of remembering spellings!
Coming into school/Communication:
Please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Year 2 team if you have any queries, questions or to share anything that you feel is important for us to know.
You may also contact us via email:
Elm Class
Ash Class
Parent Helpers
We are delighted to be able to welcome parent helpers back into school. Please speak to the office if you would like to do this. All helpers will be required to carry out a DBS check and have a meeting with Ms O'Reilly. You would not be working within your child's class.
Learning Focus
These are the topics we will be covering over the academic year within Year 2.
Term 1 – Geography Focus - Our Local Area
Term 2 – History Focus - The Great Fire of London
Terms 3 – Geography Focus - Amazing Australia
Term 4 - History Focus - Significant People (Brunel and Tim Berners Lee)
Term 5 - Geography Focus - Sustainability, Climate and Weather
Term 6 - History Focus - Locally Significant Places
Handwriting in Year 2
Good handwriting is critical to children’s writing progress so alongside the learning children take part in in phonics children will also practice letter formation in short handwriting sessions. ULS have produced a guide to the way in which letters should be formed and this includes a patter to help children remember how to correctly form each letter.
Here is an example of the letter formation we display in the classroom and in your child's English book:
Term 3 Overview
Knowledge Organisers for Term 3
Please take a look at these knowledge organisers - they will help you and your children get an overview of what they are learning this term.
Please click on the link to read our latest newsletter.
This has been sent out as an email to all Year 2 parents and carers.