Physical Education (PE)
PE in action
PE pics
We care for all God’s children, unconditionally. As a rural town community, the Parable of Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) resonates with our children who feel valued and welcomed as individuals. All members of our school family, the community and the wider world are valued and respected.
PE whole school curriculum mapping
Physical education supports our schools moto: create, aspire and nurture. We nurture and motivate our children to participate all areas of PE and through extra-curricular activities, creating children who are physically literate and showing good sportsman ship attributes. We encourage all children to aspire to reach their personal best.
Physical education allows children to develop the skills, competencies and knowledge which inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Physical education at St Nicks provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Pupils compete in sport and other activities which build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
During physical education lessons at St Nicholas Chantry School children are inspired to:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
- improve resilience, confidence and social skills through lessons
At St Nicks we aim for all pupils to:
- Learn a love of PE and develop physical literacy skills, building a life-long love of activity. We aim to inspire children to begin pathways into sport which will led them into living active lifestyles.
- Enjoy lessons
- Feel a sense of achievement and build resilience.
- Experience a wide range of activities during lessons, including; invasion games, net and wall games, strike and field games, athletics, swimming, gymnastics, the application of teamwork, as well as developing their fundamental multi-skills (such as balance, agility) to deepen their understanding of Physical literacy.
We achieve this through:
- Our curriculum design. Our curriculum revisits key concepts so that children can apply, extend and make links in their learning.
- The curriculum is progressively taught through two PE schemes. REAL PE and Future Stars planning. These schemes ensures there is a consistent approach to lesson delivery and children are clear of the structure of lessons, with a retrieval task, new teacher led material, independent practice (normally in the form of a challenge) and finish with an application activity.
- Our PE curriculum is taught on a two year cycle meaning that all students will repeat the same unit/ focus every two years, but with an advancing skill level. Within each lesson there is a skill focus which will be presented as a series of challenges which get progressively harder. This means there is progress within each lesson. Children are asked to work at the skill level they feel they need, but will be encouraged to challenge themselves further if staff feel appropriate. Within a unit of work, each lesson builds upon the last, retrieving a previous skill from a previous lesson, but adding a new skill focus. This means children show progression from lesson to lesson.
- Children will access two PE lessons a week – one indoor and one outdoor.
- Learning starts in the Early Years and KS1, where children are introduced to fundamental movement skills. PE is also woven through the EYFS strands of: communication and language, physical development and mathematics.
- A scaffolded approach to lessons allows all children to achieve. Pupils with SEND are supported through high quality teaching and a progressive, challenged based approach. This means that all children are able to participate at a level in which they are able to succeed. Our high quality teaching allows children to feel understood when they find particular aspects difficult, but also ensures no child is left behind and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
- Additional learning opportunities within Physical education include; entry to local competitions through links with local schools and clubs, participation in competitions ran by NSSPEA, use of our climbing wall and equipment during free play, sports day’s for all, the daily mile, inter- schools sports programme of events at Clevedon School, School games activities, active 30:30 initiatives such as go noodle and super movers, outdoor and adventurous activities, coach led lunch club, Bikeability training, additional swimming lessons for children who are identified as in need, ‘taster days/ sessions’ or different sporting activities and a range of after school clubs.
Intended impact
The impact of our curriculum is that pupils have an increased enjoyment and understanding of PE, as well as gaining skills which are transferrable to the wider world. They are able to apply their physical literacy skills in a range of sports ready for the next stage of their education. Pupils will have learnt the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and being physically active. We hope that many of our pupils will have become members of local community sports groups.